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  • Don't get sick this winter! 6 tips to keep a healthy immune system!

    With the current public health crisis going on, many people are concerned about staying healthy and maintaining a healthy immune system. Doing so can benefit your body and boost your defenses against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. While it is important to stay cautious and aware during this time, keeping your body healthy and in shape is just as crucial. #1- Get your micronutrients in Eating lots of fruits & vegetables is so important to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to fight off any bad germs! Antioxidants are compounds in colourful fruits and vegetables that protect against free radicals which can damage DNA and other cell components. Fruits and vegetables in a wide array of colours provide the best mix of protective antioxidants to boost overall health and immunity. Eat leafy greens, watermelon, carrots, berries, broccoli, oranges, kiwi, cantaloupe, and other brightly coloured produce to give your cells and immune system all the natural protection they need to function at their best. Homemade chicken soup with carrots, celery, and other veggies can also be a boon to your immune system. Vitamins that are critical for immune function include vitamins A, C, D, and E. Zinc, selenium, and magnesium are minerals that your immune system needs to function at its best. Some research has suggested that compounds in herbs and supplements can enhance immunity. Garlic, ginger, astragalus, milk thistle, ginseng, green tea, black cumin, and licorice are just a few herbs that have been reported to have immune boosting benefits. Talk to your doctor of pharmacist before including herbs and supplements into your regimen. #2- Hydrate As we head into winter and the days get cooler, people might forget to drink as much water and keep their hydration up. Staying hydrated is so important as it helps eliminate toxins and carries oxygen to the blood cells. Make sure you’re getting at least 2.5 litres of water a day, set an alarm reminder on your phone if it helps. #3- Sleep Several studies confirm the link between sleep and a healthy immune system. Most people need between 7 to 9 hours to feel adequately rested. Being well rested improves the function of white blood cells, so you're less likely to get illnesses like respiratory infections, colds, and the flu. Practice good sleep hygiene to optimize sleep. That means waking up and going to bed at the same time every day. Avoid substances that can interfere with sleep, like caffeine and alcohol, for several hours before bedtime. You're more likely to sleep well if your bedroom is cooler and you have established a relaxing evening routine before bedtime. #4- Manage stress Don’t Panic! Chronic stress depresses the immune system and increases the risk of several types of illnesses. Even though sickness can be stressful, worrying excessively about illness or anything in general can increase stress hormones and weaken the immune system. When we're stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced. Manage your stress levels as best you can. #5- Stay active & get fresh air Regular exercise is one of the pillars for healthy living and is also a known immune booster! It improves cardiovascular function, lowers blood pressure, helps control a healthy body weight and protects against a variety of diseases. The more oxygen available for you to breathe, the more your lungs dilate so getting fresh air to the body the lungs and helps cleanse and eliminate toxins from the lungs. Get out of the poorly ventilated office, open up a window or try going for a brisk walk in the morning! #6- Be Hygienic This one may be a no brainer but remember to keep as hygienic as you can. This involves washing hands regularly, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze and staying home if you’re feeling unwell. Try these tips to boost your immune system and stay healthy!

  • 8 steps to make exercise a part of your lifestyle!

    For many of us, the new year is a time when we make resolutions to be healthier and fitter so we can ultimately have more energy, feel better and look better! If you are like this, then you will know, that starting a new workout routine (and sticking to it!) can be much more difficult than originally thought! Willpower can be tested especially when our old lifestyle gets in the way. But you can have success in creating a new healthier you and stick to your new routine! Whether you’re just starting out or already on your fitness journey and need to boost your routine, below are the steps you need to take to help make exercise a regular habit so you can achieve your goals! Creating a healthy routine that includes exercise & better nutrition is easier than you think! 1. Set goals All new beginnings start with motivation, a willing to want to make a change for the better and some inspiration to get you going. Setting goals will help you remember why you started your fitness journey in the first place. Whether it’s a specific event coming up or you just want to be a fit & healthy person, setting goals will keep you determined and driven. 2. Be realistic This is super important when it comes to fitness. Being realistic means creating an exercise regime that works for YOU. What works for someone else may not necessarily be the best solution for you. Factoring in your own work, lifestyle, children, injuries & any other commitments will ensure you have an exercise plan that’s achievable and made just for you. 3. Prioritise & commit Sit down with your diary, see when you’re available to train and pencil it in. No excuses. Think of exercise as a very important appointment you’ve made with yourself that you can’t get out of. Keeping the days consistent will definitely help create a habit but if this isn’t possible, making some time each week to write down when you can train is just as good! 4. Do something you enjoy If you absolutely hate running why go on a 5k run everyday? There are LOADS of different physical activities out there, one that is bound to be your cup of tea! from Zumba to rock climbing- explore the fun world of fitness and do something you enjoy. 5. Make it a habit It’s said to believe that it takes 21 days to create a habit. You may find times when you’re not motivated, you’re tired or you really just don’t want to go to the gym but push through these hard times and you won’t regret it! 6. Progress & acknowledge your results Once you lose that couple of kilos you’ve been wanting to, or you finally did a push up on your toes, acknowledge that! Look at how far you’ve come and be proud of your achievements. Track all your progress and keep creating new challenges throughout your fitness journey. 7. Get friends/family involved If going to the gym solo isn’t your thing, or you can’t get alone time without the kids- include them! Exercise can be super fun and social with others and getting them involved will also help you stay accountable. 8. Keep going! No matter if you’re new to exercise or you’ve been in the game for years, consistency is key. Being active and moving your body is so good for your health and over all well-being so keep on going! Remember- FitMiss offer complimentary quarterly Goal Setting appointments with our memberships! So if you would like any help creating a sustainable and realistic plan to create a healthy lifestyle that fits with your goals contact us at OR Click below for our amazing February discount offers!

  • 5 Tips to a better night sleep- AND why it's so important!

    Good quality sleep is so important for our over-all well being. It is also plays such an important role when it comes to the gym as this is where our muscles restore and recover and without it, you might be lacking results! Are you getting enough, GOOD quality sleep? Here are some tips to ensure that you are. 1. CREATE A ROUTINE Our bodies have a natural body clock that produces melatonin, a sleep hormone which helps you sleep at night. Set your own personal body clock by winding down and going to bed at the same time every night. Light some candles, have a warm bath a create an atmosphere so your body knows that it’s time to go to sleep. 2. NO SCREEN TIME This one is difficult, how many of us are guilty of staring at our phones in bed? Or fall asleep with the television on in the background? It’s proven that stimulation by technology at night can negatively affect your sleep. Reading a book or meditating are great ways to relax before bed. If you neither of those are for you, try switching your phone to “night mode” which will reduce the amount of blue light on your phone and aid in a restful sleep. 3. SUPPLEMENTS Magnesium plays a big role in supporting a deep, restorative sleep. It promotes a healthy nervous system and relaxes our muscles. You can get it in oral tablets, topical creams/sprays and even in bath salts! Herbal supplements such a chamomile & lavender are also great to help you relax and delicious in teas. 4. LIMIT ALCOHOL & CAFFEINE CONSUMPTION Caffeine and alcohol consumption in the afternoon can most definitely hinder your sleep. Ideally keep your coffee intake to the morning however, if you’re a sucker for a 3pm cuppa, try having a weak coffee or swapping it out for a tea. Your body will thank you for it later! 5. SAVE BED FOR SLEEP As much as we all love brekky in bed or relaxing in bed watching TV- you should reserve your bed for sleep. By doing so, your body gets a powerful cue that every time you hop into bed that it’s time to go to sleep. Hopefully this blog has given you some helpful tips on a restful night’s sleep. Don’t forget everyone has a different routine that works for them so listen to your body and sleep when you’re sleepy. Good night :)


    Research is constantly showing that women who maintain a regular, moderate strength training program benefit from a wide range of health benefits. The misconception that women should not lift weights or women will “get bulky” if they lift weights is gradually being set straight and the real benefits to your body from strength and resistance training are coming to light! 1. Lose body fat Weight training builds lean muscle, in turn speeding up your metabolism. A higher metabolism ensures that you will burn more calories all day long. As an example, the average woman who strength trains two to three times a week for two months will gain approximately 900g of muscle and will lose over 1.5kg of fat. For every 450g of muscle you gain, you’ll burn 35 to 50 more calories per day! This really adds up in the fight to lose body fat! 2. Gain Strength without bulking This is one of the largest misconceptions when it comes to strength training. The truth is however, that it physically can not happen. Women simply don’t have the testosterone to build muscle like men unless they eat and train a very specific way! What even moderate weight training does do is increase your strength by 30-50%. This additional strength makes daily activities much easier. 3. Decrease risk of Osteoporosis unless you participate in strength training! Weight training not only strengthens muscles, it strengthens your bones! Weight training increases bone density, which reduces the risk of fractures and broken bones. Unless you participate in strength training! Weight training not only strengthens muscles, it strengthens your bones! Weight training increases bone density, which reduces the risk of fractures and broken bones. 4. Numerous health benefits The health benefits associated with weight training are huge! Exercise has been shown to reduce your risk of diabetes, fight heart disease (while lowering cholesterol and blood pressure), helps to fight arthritis and reduce lower back pain! 5. Reduce the risk of Injury Weight training helps to increase the strength of connective tissues and joints. Strong joints, ligaments, and tendons are important in both injury prevention and relieving pain from osteoarthritis. 6. Weight training can be done by anyone- age is no barrier! Don’t let anyone tell you, you are too old to do weight training! The benefits of weight training will occur no matter how old you are! At FitMiss we have trained numerous ladies in their 70’s and 80’s to help them live more active and pain free lives. 7. Burn More Calories Weight training has been proven to raise your metabolism for up to 24 hours after a workout. The more intense the workout the more calories are burned. This is because after an intense weight training workout, there is more excess post-exercise oxygen consumption and this helps to break down fat stores in the body. 8. Improve posture and reduce back pain A balanced Weight-training program will strengthen your back, shoulders, and core, helping to correct bad posture and relieve the pain associated with this. A stronger back and core will also prevent lower back pain. 9. Enhance Mood and Reduce stress (assist with mental health) When you exercise and strength-train, endorphins are released. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that prevent pain, improve mood, and fight depression, which allows you to naturally reduces stress and anxiety. Endorphins also stimulate the mind, improving alertness and boosting your energy. Unsure where to start? If you haven’t lifted weights before, we highly recommend you book in with a qualified, female Personal Trainer at FitMiss. It is imperative that we support correct technique and form in addition to doing the right exercises for your body and goals. At FitMiss we provide free personalised programming every 6 weeks or alternatively you can have your own Personal Trainer assist you in each session. How often do I need to strength train? It is recommended that 3 weight based workouts are performed each week along with 2 rest days to support muscle repair and growth. If you wish, you can still go for a walk, do some yoga or stretching on your days off! We have a range of stretch and mobility classes to offer :)

  • 10 smart ways to sneak veggies into your kids’ meals

    Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading. Welcome to your blog post. Use this space to connect with your readers and potential customers in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where you can share updates about business, trends, news, and more. “Do you have a design in mind for your blog? Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more editorial style blog - there’s a stunning layout for everyone.” You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow visitors to explore more of what interests them. Create Relevant Content Writing a blog is a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field and captivate your readers’ attention. Do you want to improve your site’s SEO ranking? Consider topics that focus on relevant keywords and relate back to your website or business. You can also add hashtags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help visitors search for relevant content. Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Choose a great image to feature in your post or add a video for extra engagement. Are you ready to get started? Simply create a new post now.

  • What to eat before training

    Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading. Welcome to your blog post. Use this space to connect with your readers and potential customers in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where you can share updates about business, trends, news, and more. Design with Ease “Do you have a design in mind for your blog? Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more editorial style blog - there’s a stunning layout for everyone.” Every layout comes with the latest social features built in. Readers will be able to easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more. With the Wix, building your online community has never been easier. Create Relevant Content You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow readers to explore more of what interests them. Each category of your blog has its own page that’s fully customizable. Add a catchy title, a brief description and a beautiful image to the category page header to truly make it your own. You can also add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help readers search for relevant content. Using hashtags can expand your post reach and help people find the content that matters to them. Go ahead, #hashtag away. Stun Your Readers “Be original, show off your style, and tell your story.” Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Are you a creative agency? Go wild with original blog posts about recent projects, cool inspirational ideas, or what your company culture is like. Add images, and videos to really spice it up, and pepper it with slang to keep readers interested. Are you a programmer? Stay on the more technical side by offering weekly tips, tricks, and hacks that show off your knowledge of the industry. No matter what type of business you have, one thing is for sure - blogging gives your business the opportunity to be heard in a way in a different and unconventional way. Get Inspired To keep up with all things Wix, including website building tips and interesting articles, head over to to the Wix Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to start crafting your own blog, adding unique content, and stunning images and videos. Start creating your own blog now. Good luck!

  • What not to do if you’re trying to lose weight

    Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading. Welcome to your blog post. Use this space to connect with your readers and potential customers in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where you can share updates about business, trends, news, and more. Design with Ease “Do you have a design in mind for your blog? Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more editorial style blog - there’s a stunning layout for everyone.” Every layout comes with the latest social features built in. Readers will be able to easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more. With the Wix, building your online community has never been easier. Create Relevant Content You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow readers to explore more of what interests them. Each category of your blog has its own page that’s fully customizable. Add a catchy title, a brief description and a beautiful image to the category page header to truly make it your own. You can also add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help readers search for relevant content. Using hashtags can expand your post reach and help people find the content that matters to them. Go ahead, #hashtag away. Stun Your Readers “Be original, show off your style, and tell your story.” Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Are you a creative agency? Go wild with original blog posts about recent projects, cool inspirational ideas, or what your company culture is like. Add images, and videos to really spice it up, and pepper it with slang to keep readers interested. Are you a programmer? Stay on the more technical side by offering weekly tips, tricks, and hacks that show off your knowledge of the industry. No matter what type of business you have, one thing is for sure - blogging gives your business the opportunity to be heard in a way in a different and unconventional way. Get Inspired To keep up with all things Wix, including website building tips and interesting articles, head over to to the Wix Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to start crafting your own blog, adding unique content, and stunning images and videos. Start creating your own blog now. Good luck!

  • 5 breakfast ideas to get you out of bed

    Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading. Welcome to your blog post. Use this space to connect with your readers and potential customers in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where you can share updates about business, trends, news, and more. “Do you have a design in mind for your blog? Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more editorial style blog - there’s a stunning layout for everyone.” You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow visitors to explore more of what interests them. Create Relevant Content Writing a blog is a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field and captivate your readers’ attention. Do you want to improve your site’s SEO ranking? Consider topics that focus on relevant keywords and relate back to your website or business. You can also add hashtags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help visitors search for relevant content. Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Choose a great image to feature in your post or add a video for extra engagement. Are you ready to get started? Simply create a new post now.

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