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  • Banish Morning Back Pain: A Roadmap to a Stronger, Healthier You

    Hello Wonderful Ladies, Are you tired of waking up with a sore back every morning? You're not alone. From the demands of our modern lifestyles to the daily juggling act of work and family, many of us find ourselves experiencing back pain, and it's time to address it. Understanding the Culprits: There are several factors contributing to your morning back discomfort: 1. Lifestyle: Whether you're spending hours at a desk or constantly lifting and carrying your little ones, these activities can strain your back. Sitting for extended periods can lead to tight hips and hamstrings, causing poor posture and back pain. 2. Stress: The pressures of daily life can manifest in the form of tense muscles. Stress-induced muscle tightness often targets your back and shoulders, making it feel sore and stiff. 3. Inadequate Exercise Routine: If your current exercise routine doesn't focus on posture and back strength, you might be more prone to issues like kyphosis, anterior pelvic tilt, and hypermobility. 4. Inadequate Sleep: Not getting enough quality sleep can affect the body's ability to repair and recover, potentially causing or worsening back pain. 5. Poor Ergonomics: Using poorly designed office furniture or workspace setups can result in awkward postures, leading to back pain, especially if you spend long hours at a desk. What to Do About It: It's time to take control and alleviate your morning back discomfort. Here's how: 1.     Strengthen Your Back: Incorporate exercises that target your back muscles. Rows, lat pulldowns, and back extensions are great choices. A strong back helps to support your spine, relieving back pain and providing the support you need for good posture. It goes without saying to always consult your healthcare professional if you're concerned about you back pain. 2.     Stretch Chest and Back: Stretching can help relieve tension in your chest and back. Combine stretching with the strengthening exercises mentioned above for a great balance! Try exercises like pec stretches and cat-cow stretches to improve flexibility. 3.     Incidental Movement: Make a conscious effort to get up from your desk regularly. Set alarms on your phone to remind you to stand up, stretch, or take a short walk. Incidental movement is crucial for preventing muscle stiffness. 4.     Self-Awareness: Recognize when stress is causing you to tighten your muscles. In the moment, correct your posture and release the tension. Practicing mindfulness can help you become more aware of these habits. 5. Patience and Persistence: Improving your back health is a journey that requires time and consistency. Don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate results. After a few weeks of implementing these changes, you should start to notice a positive impact on your morning back pain. Remember, a strong and pain-free back is not just a luxury; it's essential for your overall well-being. Take steps to invest in your health, and you'll reap the benefits for years to come. If you’d like more guidance and support to help reduce your back pain – reach out to the friendly trainers at FitMiss Health Club and we can create an individual strength and stretch program to suit your needs! Want more positive fitness and nutrition tips? Subscribe to our email list below!

  • Unleash Your Potential: Thriving Around Your Cycle

    Hey there ladies, I have a question for you - Have you ever sat at home on a Friday night, knowing you have an event you “need to go to” but feeling like all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a book and have an early night? Did you “push through” and go anyway? Our female bodies run on roughly a 28 day cycle and each of these days look and feel very different (and for good reason)! Let's explore the fascinating shifts our bodies experience throughout our menstrual cycle. We'll take a closer look at what our bodies truly require during each phase – and how we can adjust our workouts, provide the right nourishment and understand our energy levels and moods. These insights are key to aligning our lifestyles with our natural rhythms! Actually LISTENING to your bodies cycle and needs is a game changer! We can’t wait to share this knowledge with you! Phases of Your Cycle: Ok let’s touch on the science for a second! We all go through four key phases in our menstrual cycle, each impacting our bodies and minds differently. Let's break it down: 1. Menstruation Phase (Days 1-5): This is when your period arrives, and your hormones are at their lowest. Your energy levels may dip, making rest and self-care a priority. Opt for gentle exercises like yoga or stretching. Iron-rich foods can help replenish your blood supply, so incorporate leafy greens, beans, and lean proteins. 2. Follicular Phase (Days 6-14): As your body prepares for ovulation, your energy and strength begin to rise. Embrace more vigorous workouts, as your body is primed for it. Load up on whole grains, lean proteins, and veggies to fuel your active self. 3. Ovulation Phase (Days 15-17): This is the peak of your cycle, and you're at your most energetic. Go full throttle in your workouts. Nutrient-dense, protein-rich foods will help support your active lifestyle. 4. Luteal Phase (Days 18-28): Hormone levels fluctuate, and some women experience mood swings and cravings. Opt for a mix of workouts, including strength and relaxation exercises like Pilates or meditation. Prioritize fiber and healthy fats to keep those cravings in check. Why You Feel the Way You Do: These phases reflect your hormone profile, which drives your energy levels, mood, and even your cravings. Your body is a dynamic system, and understanding these fluctuations is the key to thriving, not just surviving, throughout the month. Adjusting Your Lifestyle: Now that we've explored the fascinating world of your cycle and its influence on your body, let's dive deeper into the specifics. Whether you're in your menstruation, follicular, ovulation, or luteal phase, we've got your back. Let's unleash your full potential with exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle tailored to each phase! 1. Menstruation Phase: (Days 1-5) Exercise: Opt for gentle, restorative workouts like low impact strength, stretching, or light walking. Your body needs care during this time. Nutrition: Embrace iron-rich foods to combat fatigue and replenish what's lost during your period. Think spinach, lean red meats, beans, and fortified cereals. Lifestyle: Rest, self-reflect, and show yourself some love. It's okay to slow down and honor your body's needs 2. Follicular Phase: (Days 6-14) Exercise: Go for it! Your energy's rising. Incorporate high-intensity workouts, strength training, and cardio. Nutrition: Load up on whole grains, lean proteins, and fresh fruits and veggies. Fuel your active self with nutrient-dense meals. Lifestyle: Your confidence is soaring. Use this time to set goals and crush them. Be adventurous, and explore new experiences. 3. Ovulation Phase: (Days 15-17) Exercise: You're at your peak! Challenge yourself with high-intensity interval training, strong strength moves, or dance workouts. Nutrition: Prioritize protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes. Keep your energy high and your muscles strong. Lifestyle: Socialize, be spontaneous, and express your creative side. This is your time to shine. 4. Luteal Phase: (Days 18-28) Exercise: Mix it up with gentler exercise! Incorporate strength training, Pilates, and calming exercises like yoga or meditation. Be mindful of your body. Nutrition: Your body may crave comfort foods. To combat this, focus on complex carbs and fiber-rich foods like sweet potatoes, whole grains, fruits, and veggies, as well as healthy fats like avocados and nuts. Keep those cravings in check. Lifestyle: Embrace self-care, journaling, and relaxation. Your emotions might fluctuate, so listen to what your heart needs. Remember, these are guidelines and everyone's body is unique. The key is to become attuned to your own rhythms and adjust as needed. At  FitMiss Health Club, we're here to support you every step of the way. Empower yourself with the knowledge of your cycle, and you'll find that syncing your life with your body's natural flow can be a game-changer. Ladies, remember, you are not alone in these cycles either. They are a natural part of being a woman, and they hold immense power. Embrace this knowledge to truly thrive around your cycle, and unleash your full potential. For more tips, workouts, and nutrition advice in this tone, visit We're here to support your journey to health and happiness! Want more positive fitness and nutrition tips? Subscribe to our email list!

  • Unlock the Secrets of Conquering Food Cravings for Good

    Today we’re going to explore the topic of cravings, the 'why' behind them, and the 'what' you can do to manage them effectively. At FitMiss Health Club, we understand that this is a common struggle for many, and we want to provide you with valuable insights and support. Cravings are a complex interplay of factors, both physical and emotional, that we all experience from time to time. They often stem from various sources, including nutrient deficiencies, psychological responses, and biological signals. These cravings can lead to feelings of guilt when we give in, creating a frustrating cycle of emotions and desires. When we are hungry, our body produces a hormone called ghrelin. This hormone is released when our blood glucose levels begin to drop, signaling to our brain that it's time to eat. On the flip side, when we start to feel full, our body produces another hormone called leptin, instructing us to stop eating. However when we get cravings – this fundamental principal is bypassed! There are several possibilities as to why! Our brains have pleasure and reward systems, which can strongly influence our food choices. You might find yourself reaching for sugary or salty foods when you're feeling sad or anxious, as these foods can trigger the release of dopamine – the brain's 'feel-good' chemical. This association can also be extended to past experiences. For example, if you’ve only had pleasurable feelings when eating cake then the brain releases dopamine (a hormone that relates to feelings of pleasure). So if you’ve had a bad day and want to feel better your brain tells you that cake is the answer! This knowledge can be really empowering as next time you’re stressed and find yourself reaching for junk food, you can find healthier choices to process your emotions such as going for a bath or walk. Nutrient deficiencies can also play a significant role in cravings. When your body lacks certain vitamins or minerals, it might prompt you to crave foods that contain those specific nutrients. So, understanding what your body truly needs can be a key to managing cravings. For example, if your low in magnesium your body may craving chocolate however this nutrient is found in eggs, poultry, legumes and grains! Below are 5 actionable steps you can take today to curb your cravings! 1. Stay Hydrated: Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary food cravings. Make sure you stay well-hydrated throughout the day by drinking water or herbal tea. 2. Eat Balanced Meals: Ensure that your meals are well-balanced and include a combination of protein, healthy fats, fiber, and carbohydrates. A balanced meal can help stabilize your blood sugar levels, reducing the likelihood of sudden cravings. 3. Plan Healthy Snacks: Instead of reaching for sugary or high-calorie snacks, have nutritious alternatives readily available. Opt for options like cut-up veggies with hummus, Greek yogurt with berries, or a small handful of nuts. Planning ahead can prevent impulsive and unhealthy snack choices. 4. Practice Mindful Eating: Paying attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues can help you become more in tune with your cravings. Before grabbing a snack, take a moment to assess whether you're truly hungry or if the craving is driven by other factors like stress or boredom. Mindful eating can help you make more conscious choices. 5. Address Underlying Causes: Sometimes, cravings are a result of emotional or psychological triggers. If you find that you often turn to food for comfort or stress relief, consider seeking support from a therapist or counsellor to develop healthier coping strategies. At FitMiss Health Club, we advocate for a balanced approach to nutrition that doesn't involve strict restrictions. By nourishing your body with a wide variety of foods, you can help reduce the chances of nutrient deficiencies and maintain a healthier relationship with food. We believe in the importance of enjoying the foods you love in moderation while still prioritizing your overall well-being. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Cravings are a part of life, and there's no need to feel guilty about them. By understanding the factors that contribute to your cravings and adopting a balanced diet, you can regain control and build a positive relationship with food. We're here to support you in your health and wellness journey. If you have any questions or would like more information on this topic from our Nutritionist and Balaclava studio manager Sam, please don't hesitate to reach out to her. Together, we can navigate the complex web of cravings and work towards a healthier, happier you.

  • 8 Gym Confidence Hacks for a Healthier, Happier You

    Ladies, we get it! Stepping into a gym environment can be intimidating and the longer I’m in the industry I’m realising so many women feel the same way! But honestly, it doesn’t have to be like this. At FitMiss Health Club, we believe that the benefits of getting stronger and fitter should be for everyone, so today I want to have a chat and dive a little deeper into strategies to help create confidence so you feel comfortable working out and can unlock your full potential. In this article, we'll share some valuable tips and strategies to help you boost your confidence in the gym, so you can make the most of your fitness journey. 1. Plan Your Workouts: Walking into the gym with a plan can make a world of difference. Knowing what exercises you're going to do and how many sets and reps will help you feel more in control. Our FitMiss trainers can help you create a personalized workout plan to suit your needs. We will also take you through your exercises in a 1on1 session with a trainer to ensure you feel comfortable and confident doing the movements. 2. Educate Yourself: Knowledge is power, and when it comes to fitness, understanding proper form, nutrition, and workout techniques can greatly boost your confidence. Consider taking a fitness class or consulting with a personal trainer to improve your knowledge and skills. 3. Start Slow and Progress Gradually: Don't compare yourself to others, especially those who have been on their fitness journey for years. Everyone starts somewhere, and it's essential to focus on your own progress. Begin with manageable weights and exercises, and gradually increase the intensity as you build your confidence and strength. 4. Embrace Variety: Monotony can lead to boredom and insecurity. Mix up your workouts with a variety of exercises, classes, and activities. Trying new things can be exciting and keeps your fitness journey fresh and engaging. 5. Bring a Friend: Did you know that working out with a friend makes you 95% more likely to be still exercising in 6 months time! That’s huge! Having a friend by your side can make the gym experience more enjoyable and less intimidating. It also provides the support and encouragement you need to stay motivated. 6. Mind Your Inner Critic: We all have that little voice in our heads that doubts our abilities. Especially if you’ve held limiting beliefs such as “I’m not a gym person” for years! Don't let your inner critic hold you back. Instead, embrace being a beginner! It’s ok to be new at something. Focus on positive self-talk and remind yourself of your progress and accomplishments. You're stronger than you think! 7. Understand your “why” Why are you on this fitness journey? What motivates you to step into the gym each day? When you have a clear understanding of your "why," it becomes your driving force, giving you a sense of purpose and unwavering motivation to achieve your fitness goals. For some, it might be the desire to be stronger to effortlessly pick up their kids and keep up with their boundless energy. For others, it's the dream of waking up feeling more energized and ready to tackle the day with enthusiasm, rather than hitting the snooze button repeatedly. Your "why" is the unique, compelling story that motivates you to make positive changes in your life, and when you keep this story in mind, your gym experience becomes a source of inspiration and unbreakable confidence. So, take a moment to connect with your "why" and let it be your guiding star on your fitness journey. 8. Celebrate Small Wins: Every step on your fitness journey is a victory. Celebrate your small wins and milestones, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Recognizing your achievements will keep you motivated and confident. At FitMiss Health Club, we are committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for women of all ages. Remember, you're not alone on your fitness journey, and our team is here to help you every step of the way. So, take a deep breath, walk into the gym with your head held high, and let your newfound confidence drive you toward your fitness goals. You've got this! Ready to boost your confidence and embrace a healthier, fitter you? Join FitMiss Health Club today, and let's conquer your fitness journey together!

  • 5 Ways To Achieve More Out Of Your Session And Get The Results You're After

    What does training with intent mean? It means to train with focus, to be present in every rep you perform. It means to understand what the intended purpose of an exercise is and holding that in the front of your mind while you execute the movement. Your trainer may repeatedly give you instructions about the what, where and how of a movement. They don’t just say this information to pass the time with you, it is direct information to help you gain bodily awareness and as well as gain education around why you are doing the exercises you are doing. It is important as a client to know why you are training the way you are training in gym, both in the moment with the immediate exercise/session, and the overarching alignment as to why you are exercising in the first place. When you exercise, you are training the body and the mind together. Whilst exercise is a time for many to escape the rigors of the day (yes, it is important to separate the mind from life) it is important not to separate it from the exercise tasks at hand. Not focusing during exercise is what can lead to injury. If you are distracted, rushed, or bored, your mind won’t connect to your body effectively and your performance will be inconsistent and thus lack quality results. Trainers will give repeat specific cues for each movement to help in developing that mind to muscle connection, we want you to focus on where you feel tension within your body and ensure you are movement correctly. When you’re focused and engaged muscles will be active in a far more efficient manner. Don’t just “go through the motions”. If you are someone who struggles to keep focus when training in the gym, below are some tips to help you improve it and thus get more out of your sessions. Go into each session with a primary goal to focus on (this would be separate to your main short- or long-term training goals) and walk away from each workout with something you felt you accomplished/learnt. A good idea is to also list some micro goals around focus such as: make sure to stick to rest breaks and not get distracted, if training with another person try and not talk whilst performing exercises and to wait until the rest breaks to chat, think about what muscles you are working in each movement and really focus on feeling it in those areas. 1. Find ways to help you learn better physical awareness: This can be filming yourself performing the given movement and rewatching it to see if your movement patterns are correct and if not then making necessary adjustments (this is great for people who are visual learners). Use the mirrors in the gym if it has one, they aren’t solely meant for guys to flex their muscles, they are there for you to actively watch your movement so that your technique is correct. 2. Finding the right verbal cues for both your trainer and you to repeat and focus on during movement execution. Repetition is very important when it comes to motor learning. Keep them to no more than 3 per movement/exercise and make sure they are specific and precise to your needs. An example would be if someone has issues shifting forward in their squat some cues may be; sit back into your glutes, drive up through your heels, keep your chest facing the horizon. 3. Using tempos and isometrics: Slowing down parts of the movement or even adding in isometric holds can help you develop better physical awareness as well as strength to an area you are aiming to engage. 4. If you aren’t someone who does regular PT, enlist in the help of a personal trainer every so often to check in with your technique, this doesn’t need to be weekly, for some this can be done fortnightly or monthly. What you learn with your trainer you can then take away as homework and practice applying on your own in between sessions. Most Personal Trainers will give their clients homework to do for when they are away from them to ensure they are still focused on improving their movement and mobility. Not sure how to train with intent? Or not even sure where to start? Book in with one of our friendly trainers to help you out by emailing

  • Green Goodness Smoothie Recipe

    The perfect pre workout breakfast or post workout snack Serves: 1 Prep time: 5 mins Cooking time: 1 min Ingredients - 200ml almond milk (or milk of choice) - 1-2 handfuls of spinach - 1 medium banana - 1 heaped tablespoon of vanilla protein powder (optional) - 3 ice cubes (optional) Method Place milk, spinach, banana, protein powder and ice in a blender Blend until smooth Place in fridge if you want it cold if you have omitted ice cubes in step 1 Tip - add some avocado to make it creamy and add extra nutrients

  • 4 Free workouts to ease back into training after time off

    Have you been struggling to be consistent with your workouts? Or maybe it’s been a while since you’ve been in the gym? Getting back into it can be a daunting experience. Firstly- gyms can typically be a really intimidating place especially if you haven’t been in a while and secondly it can be to rough creating and navigating a routine again that fits in with your busy life. It’s completely normal for your training consistency to go up and down (and sometimes be non-existent!) throughout your life. The most important thing is that you don’t beat yourself up about this and get started again with something (even if it’s small) that fits into your schedule so that you can feel your very best! To make this transition back to exercise a little easier, we have created 4 simple workouts that you can do to get back into the swing of things! Most of these workouts are about 30 minutes in length and require little to no equipment. If you have some dumbbells and resistance bands handy bring them along and incorporate them where you feel you want to :) Enjoy the workouts and remember to be kind to yourself while you create your new workout routine! If you need any additional support please reach out to us at and we can support you with ongoing live streamed workouts or some great workouts at our Balaclava and Malvern studios :)

  • Green Goodness Smoothie Recipe

    The perfect pre workout breakfast or post workout snack Serves: 1 Prep time: 5 mins Cooking time: 1 min Ingredients - 200ml almond milk (or milk of choice) - 1-2 handfuls of spinach - 1 medium banana - 1 heaped tablespoon of vanilla protein powder (optional) - 3 ice cubes (optional) Method Place milk, spinach, banana, protein powder and ice in a blender Blend until smooth Place in fridge if you want it cold if you have omitted ice cubes in step 1 Tip - add some avocado to make it creamy and add extra nutrients

  • Spinach and almond pesto pasta

    Don't let the colour scare you - this tasty dish will be a crowd pleaser PREPARATION: 15 MIN COOKING TIME: 10 MINS SERVES:6 Ingredients 120g baby spinach leaves 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 tablespoons blanched almonds, toasted, chopped 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1/2 cup (120g) fresh low-fat ricotta, crumbled 1/3 cup (25g) freshly grated parmesan 400g penne rigate (or other short pasta) Method Step 1- Blanch spinach in a large pan of lightly salted, simmering water for 10 seconds until wilted. Drain and immediately refresh under cold water. Drain again. Step 2- Squeeze as much liquid from the spinach as possible, then roughly chop. Place in a food processor with the garlic, almonds, oil, ricotta and 2 tablespoons parmesan, season, then blend until smooth and a vibrant green colour. Step 3- Meanwhile, cook pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water according to packet instructions. Drain, reserving 1/4 cup (60ml) cooking water. Return pasta to pan with the pesto and reserved water. Stir over low heat for 30 seconds until combined and warmed through. Tips - You can add some diced chicken or bacon for added protein - Sun dried tomatoes on top will add some more flavour and nutrients

  • Transform Your Life: Mastering PCOS Management for a Healthier You đŸ„™đŸ’Ș

    WHAT IS POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a non-estrogen dominant hormone disorder common among woman of reproductive ages. It is not a disease, but more of a clustering of symptoms driven by a particular trigger or root cause. This root cause will lead the brain to produce certain hormones in abnormal amounts. Woman with PCOS will typically present with an excess of testosterone which results in menstrual cycle changes, skin discolouration patches, increased facial and body hair, acne, cysts in the ovaries and risk of type two diabetes as well as infertility. If you’ve got PCOS, when you ovulate the eggs will leave the sacs long before they have matured, they will then merge with one another and distribute themselves on the outer walls of the ovary in the form of tiny cysts. This means the eggs released from the ovaries are not able to perform their reproductive functions, hence why fertility issues are commonly seen. Often, women with PCOS have problems with their metabolism which can lead to body weight issues. PCOS can look different from person to person and not all PCOS diagnoses are the same as there are 5 different causes for PCOS to present. INSULIN RESISTANT PCOS: By far the number one cause of PCOS in woman is insulin resistance, between 50-80% of woman will have this form. Too much insulin can impair ovulation and tells the ovaries to produce more testosterone instead of estrogen. It also stimulates your pituitary gland to make more luteinizing hormone. POST PILL PCOS: Ethinylestradiol in birth control pills can potentially cause insulin resistance thus leading to PCOS onset. The pill should never be used to treat PCOS. If your periods were normal before taking hormonal birth control and now you meet the diagnostic criteria for PCOS you may have the post-pill type of PCOS. INFLAMMATORY / IMMUNE DRIVEN: Chronic low grad inflammation has emerged as a key contributor to the pathogenesis of PCOS. Chronic stress, anxiety, abuse, toxin exposure or allergies can all contribute to this immune driven hormonal response, ADRENAL DRIVEN: 10% of PCOS cases will fall into this category. The body no longer functions via the HPO (brain the ovary) axis to manufacture sex hormones and is going through the HPA (brain to adrenals) axis instead due high stress exposure. GENETICALLY DRIVEN: Some people will genetically have a gene that predisposes them to PCOS. From a medical perspective PCOS has been difficult to manage for many and there is no blanket “cure”. From an Exercise and Health professional standpoint there are many things one can do through exercise and nutrition lifestyle changes to help calm down the root cause driving the PCOS symptoms. Finding out what the root cause of your PCOS is of high importance. As a rule of thumb, calorie deficits and more exercise aren’t how to navigate managing your PCOS and PCOS associated weight gain. If you are currently working with a trainer or a GP who has placed you on a very restricted calorie intake and long training sessions daily to try and lose the weight, it is safe to say, this person doesn’t understand the nature of PCOS and its relationship with exercise and dieting stress. You don’t want to drive an already inflamed body into more inflammation by increase cortisol. Our bodies will release cortisol in response to stress. It is important to remember that exercise is a form of “stress” as too very restrictive dieting. Exercise is extremely beneficial for PCOS but only when it is prescribed in the right type, amount, frequency, and intensity. The best exercise modality/regime is one that improves your insulin resistance, burns calories, whilst simultaneously reducing androgen and cortisol levels Therefore, the best modalities are: Strength training: Strength training improves insulin sensitivity as a result of increasing lean muscle mass. Strength training does a much better job of fighting abdominal fat, a University of Pennsylvania study found that overweight or obese women, ages 24–44, who were assigned to an hour of weight training twice a week reduced their proportion of body fat by nearly 4%. Muscle is more metabolically active which means every bit of muscle you gain will increase how many calories you burn through the day both at rest and during activity. Three full body strength sessions a week including compound movement patterns is a good starting point. Sprinting or short High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts: Studies have shown that HIIT improves insulin sensitivity during and (up to 1-3 days) after this exercise modality. What exactly is HIIT? Its full body movements with or without weights or sprinting, but for a very short period, with rest in between, for a maximum of 20 minutes. Low intensity movement: (daily walking, yoga, leisurely bike ride or swim) these activities have been shown to reduce not only cortisol levels but also and ACTH, which stimulates our body to produce more androgens (‘male’ hormones). These male hormones are responsible for some symptoms of PCOS, such as acne and unwanted hair growt What to avoid? Long duration high intensity sessions (over an hour with high heart rates and insufficient rest) Long Endurance training Both these modalities will lead to increases in cortisol which will add to further inflammation and increasing insulin resistance in those with PCOS. NUTRITIONAL STRATEGIES Listed below are some tips and strategies through dietary changes and supplementation that can also help manage symptoms and address the root cause of your PCOS. Consult with a dietitian who understands PCOS well! Ensure you are consuming adequate protein daily! Avoid being on harsh calorie deficits, you will do better in a fed state! Reduce high fructose corn syrup intake. If post pill PCOS reduce dairy intake. Magnesium Theonate for those with Adrenal Driven PCOS. Metformin and Inositol have been shown to have good success in those with Insulin Resistance driven PCOS. DIM, Zinc and Peony Liquorice Root are all known supplements to assist in management of PCOS associated symptoms. Saw Palmetto can help to reduce excess DHT in woman who suffer with PCOS acne on face back and chest. Remember to seek medical advice where needed! If you'd like more information on the right exercise and nutrition routine to follow, get in touch with our team of female trainers and nutritionists who would be happy to have a chat and help!

  • Banana Oat Muffins

    This decadent sounding muffin is packed full of flavour and vitamins - perfect for a pre workout snack! PREPARATION: 6 MIN COOKING TIME: 35 MINS SERVES:10-12 Ingredients 3 ripe bananas 2 cups of oat 1 egg 3/4 cup of milk 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon salt Method Step 1 - Combine everything except the chocolate chips in a blender and blend for at least 30 seconds (and possibly up to 1 minute), until you have a fully incorporated muffin batter. Step 2 - Add the batter to a 12 cup greased muffin pan. About 1/2 cup of batter will go into each cup. Then top with the chocolate chips or chunks and bake for 30 to 35 minutes at 180 degrees. Tip If you'd like to make this recipe vegan, sub the egg for a flax egg and use either almond or soy milk.

  • Chicken and Mushroom Risotto

    This hearty recipe is packed full of B group vitamins and is a great source of protein and carbohydrates, perfect for post training especially in the colder months! This recipe is also great to meal prep - simply decide into containers and place in the fridge or freezer. PREPARATION: 10 MIN COOKING TIME: 35 MINS SERVES:4 Ingredients 4 cups (1L) chicken stock Parmesan rind (optional) 1 brown onion, peeled reserving skin, finely chopped 1 tbs olive oil 2 small chicken breasts, thinly sliced 200g brown mushrooms, thickly sliced 1 garlic clove, crushed 1 1/2 cups (300g) arborio rice 1/2 cup (125ml) white wine or extra chicken stock 60g Baby Rocket or spinach 1/2 cup (40g) finely grated parmesan Method 1. Place stock in a medium saucepan and add the parmesan. Bring to a simmer over high heat. 2. Heat half the oil in a large deep frying pan over medium-high heat. Cook half the chicken, turning, for 2 mins or until browned. Transfer to a bowl. Repeat with remaining chicken. 3. Add the mushroom to the pan. Cook, stirring, for 2 mins or until golden. Transfer to the bowl with the chicken. Loosely cover to keep warm. 4. Heat remaining oil in the pan over medium heat. Add chopped onion and garlic and cook, stirring, for 5 mins or until onion softens. Add rice and cook, stirring, for 2 mins or until the grains appear glassy. Add wine or extra stock and bring to the boil. Cook, stirring constantly, for 2 mins or until liquid is absorbed. Add 1/2 cup (125ml) hot stock and cook, stirring constantly, until the liquid is completely absorbed. Repeat with remaining stock, stirring constantly and allowing the liquid to be absorbed before adding more, until the rice is tender yet firm to the bite and risotto is creamy (this should take about 20 mins). 5. Add chicken, mushroom and rocket to the risotto mixture and stir until the chicken is cooked through and rocket just wilts. Remove from heat. Stir in half the grated parmesan. 6. Divide among serving bowls and sprinkle with the remaining parmesan to serve

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